Friday, February 29, 2008

How to Suckseed.

Gents I was in a chatroom doing an online session on "How to Suckseed in Corporate America." It was for my buddy over at Cloverhill Junior High. Anyway. I was telling the kids things NOT to do. Although I've been a genius at moving on up... I've made my share of mistakes. I'm not too proud to tell it either.

I'll share one of the stories of my mistakes that I made.

Long ago, I worked for a boss named Kareem. He's like "Hey man, how was your weekend?"

I thought... I dont know... I forgot where I was... You see I was at a job fair the weekend prior... so I says to him, "Yo! It was AWESOME. I went to a job fair! I think I scored!"

It didn't dawn on me, that I just said that to the boss. Kareem just stared at me... His jaw slightly hanging open, hands on his hips.

I stared in his eyes... and then I realized... that was stupid. I shouldn't have told him I scored!

Yo! That was my mistake. Talking about scoring at the job fair. Some have told me, "Your a nut! Why'd you tell your boss you were at a job fair?"... hell, you want to suckseed? Tell your boss... you're looking - let them know you're going to job fairs every weekend. Similarrly, you want to keep a marriage together, tell you're old lady you're going to the "gentleman's club" every night.... MAKE IT KNOWN son. That's how you keep a job.

Although I didn't keep that job.

Learn from my mistake... but more then that... learn from my sucksess.

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